309Chapter 8: MaintenanceUpdating the Firmware in the CLUA firmware update consists of the following actions:• Downloading the Firmware Image File (page 309)• Updating the Firmware (page 309)• Restarting Subsystem over a Telnet Connection (page 309)• Restarting Subsystem over a Serial Connection (page 310)Downloading the Firmware Image FileGo to the ASUS support web site http://support.asus.com/ and download thelatest firmware image file to your TFTP server.Updating the FirmwareTo update the firmware file in the CLU:1. From the Main Menu, highlight Additional Info and Management, and pressEnter.2. Highlight Flash through TFTP and press Enter.3. Highlight TFTP Server and type the IP address of your TFTP server in thefield provided.4. Highlight Port Number and press the backspace key to erase the currentvalue, then type the new value. 69 is the default.5. Highlight File Name and type the file name of the firmware image file in thefield provided.6. Highlight Start and press Enter.A message appears to tell you to reboot the ASUS Storage subsystem.7. Restart the ASUS Storage subsystem.See ―Restarting Subsystem over a Telnet Connection‖ on page 309 or―Restarting Subsystem over a Serial Connection‖ on page 310.Restarting Subsystem over a Telnet ConnectionWarningDo not restart the ASUS Storage subsystem during a firmwareupgrade procedure. Wait until the upgrade is done and you areprompted to restart.