8428-0724/026.10 Ice Delivery SystemThe unit comes equipped with the standard ice handling mechanism found on the 4500 seriesACIB dispenser. Agitator/wheel assembly breaks up ice bridging and delivers ice to chuteassembly. A snap action switch activated by the ice lever provides power to the auger motor.This is a DC controlled switch that interrupts the power to the board to activate the motor.6.11 Ice Board SettingsEach ice beverage dispenser is equipped with automatic agitation for the ice bin. Theunit is shipped with timing set at two seconds ON every sixty minutes. Referring to thetables on the wiring diagram included in this manual (also affixed to the electrical boxcover), the automatic agitation timing can be changed as follows. A set of DIP switchesis provided to control the timing and low ice control.1. DIP#3 & #4These switches control the ON time for automatic agitation. By referring to the tableand setting the switches as shown, ON times from one (second to four seconds [in onesecond increments] can be obtained. EXAMPLE: For three seconds ON time, switch3 should be in the ON position, and switch 4 should be in the OFF position. The unit isshipped with two seconds ON time.Automatic AgitationThe dispenser is equipped with automatic agitation. It mayactivate unexpectedly. Do not place hands or foreign objectsin the ice storage compartment. Unplug dispenser from thepower source when it is being serviced, cleaned, orsanitized.