130 6 Daily Care6.3 Checking/Managing the Printer Status ona Web BrowserWhen the printer is installed in a TCP/IP environment, you can check printer status andconfigure settings using a web browser on a network computer.This feature is known as CentreWare Internet Services.You can also check the remaining volume of consumables and paper loaded in this printervia CentreWare Internet Services.Important• User name and password may be required to configure certain items in the CentreWare InternetServices. The default user name and password are “admin” and “x-admin” respectively. You mustchange the default password upon use.Settings for CentreWare Internet ServicesThis section explains the environment and settings required for using CentreWare InternetServices.Note• CentreWare Internet Services is not available when the printer is used as a local printer.Computer OSs• Microsoft® Windows ® 95 Operating System (ServicePack 1 or later)• Microsoft® Windows ® 98 Operating System• Microsoft® Windows ® Me Operating System• Microsoft® WindowsNT ® Workstation 4.0 (ServicePack 4 or later)• Microsoft® WindowsNT ® Server 4.0 (ServicePack 4 or later)• Microsoft® Windows ® 2000 Professional• Microsoft® Windows ® 2000 Server• Microsoft® Windows ® XP Professional• Microsoft® Windows ® XP Home Edition• Mac OS 7.6.1 or laterClick the desireditem to display itsstatus.