GUI System Tab7956. The Received Messages box shows all chat messages sent to and received byother GUI connections. The sender's [user name] will appear to the left of thesent/received chat messages.If all users are logged in to their respective GUI applications with the sameuser name (such as Admin), then all chat messages sent and received willshow the same [user name].8. The Clear button located next Received Messages box will permanently removeall sent and received chat messages from the current GUI's Chat window. Thisdoes not effect other GUI users. Chat messages in the Received Messages boxare also permanently remove when the current GUI application is closed.FaultsThe unit maintains a fault log of critical hardware problems reported by circuit packs.If a circuit pack is out of service, the icon appears.To view system faults:1. Select System.2. Select Faults. If a fault has been logged, the following appears in the FaultMessages window:• Date and time that the fault occurred.• Fault description• Card – The circuit pack that is reporting the problem.To clear the system fault log:• Select Clear.MPA_e_manual_D07-00-129P_RevA00