MPM-400G Test Module Overview106The following table lists all of the Packet and Transport Interface Rates available oneach MPM-100AR port, as supported by pluggable QSFP28, QSFP+, SFP28 and SFP+laser modules.The MPM-100AR card supports the following Protocol Processor tabs:• MLD Tab Overview• OTN Tab Overview• SONET Tab Overview• SDH Tab Overview• Packet Tab OverviewYou may also navigate through the topics by using the Contents tab and window thatappear on the left side of the screen.MPM-400G Test Module OverviewThe MPM-400G card (400G Multi-Protocol Module) is a double-wide dual-slot card,designed to fit into two side-by-side MPA chassis test-module slots, and supports400Gbps Ethernet, 425G Unframed BERT, and 412.5G Unframed BERT rates.MPA_e_manual_D07-00-129P_RevA00