System/Station Administration –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––54 DKAdmin/DKBackupFlexible Button Assignments (F5)ä To view or change flexible button assignments1. Press F5 from the PortAttributes screen and thePort Flexible KeyAssignments screendisplays (shown right).2. To change a flexiblebutton assignment,highlight the FlexibleKey Assignment andpress:© F5–Pause todeactivate or blankout a keyassignment.© F9–Increment SD to add multiple speed dial key assignments.Important! You can only use this key when you are assigning more than one speed dial key ata time. If you have not just added a speed dial key assignment, the message MustAssign System/Station Speed Dial First displays.If you leave the cursor in the same field and continue to press F8, the speed dialkey number increments. To add consecutive speed dial key assignments, you mustcontinue to highlight the next field before pressing F8.3. Press Esc to return to the Port Attributes screen.Important!l After restoring flexible keys (Program 39) data, turn the DK system off for five seconds,then turn it back on to apply the changes made.l If you change the keystrip type (Program 38) from the station attribute screen, all keystripbuttons will be set to Program 38 default assignments. If you wish to change a keystriptype (from 20 to 10, for example) and save the existing (first 10) key button assignments,operate Program 38 from the Program Administration Section option.ä To copy selected keys to selected ports1. Press Ctrl+F2 and a pop-up dialogbox displays (shown at right).2. Press any key to continue.3. Highlight a key and press the spacebarto select. An asterisk appears next toyour selection. Continue until all thekeys you want to copy have beenselected.