163Indexscreen conventions , 4security , 78software release , 38system requirements , 7using , 27DKBackupabout, 42backup/restore , 99check system , 17install program , 18software release , 38DNISaddress reference numbers , 90administration , 89network table assignments, 91number/name/ringing/VM-IDassignments , 90tenant lock assignments , 92DNIS/DID ringing , 93DNIS/DID/ANI line assignments , 89documentationconventions , viiihow to use this manual , ixrelated , ixdownload data, 41, 100DSS consoleassignments to another console/consolegroup , 66button assignments, 65change assigned feature, 65default key settings , 65resetting all keys, 65EE911/CAMA trunk programsaccess , 94edit programs , 95use Strata DK’s program files, 96view notes on program, 96error messages, 32exit system, 33external modem, 133, 143–144TTY port connection, 141Ffile menu, 35, 115, 131, 133about option, 42dial DK option, 40hangup connection option, 42maintain customer file option, 36select customer option, 39find feature, 5flexible buttons, 61change assigned feature, 61programming, 61set/change CO lines, 88view assignments, 54Hhangup connection option, 42hardwarekey, 18requirements, 127help (on-line), 32IIMDU, 133individual portprogram, 46program/update attributes, 49update, 46install program, 18installation, 10, 20system, 117ISDN programsaccess, 97edit programs, 97use Strata DK’s program files, 97view notes on program, 98Kkeyboard, 31LLCD messages, 49lineringing options, 87logging off, 33logging on, 27Mmaintain customer file option, 36menuadministration, 43backup, 99dial DK, 132DK dial, 132