––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Upgrade111Backup Menu (DKBackup)14. Press Enter and the following screen displays:15. Press Enter (twice) after completing the Steps above. The Baud Rate Selection screendisplays (shown below). This screen enables you to set the DKAdmin/DKBackup PCCOM port baud rate which must match the baud rate of the TTY port set by theprogramming telephone in Program 76 (if upgrading TTY port to RSIU).Note This Step enables you to switch the TTY port from a PIOU (1200 bps) to an RSIU(9600 bps) TTY port to complete the upgrade process faster.Processor ConversionStep A: After changing the processor, you should initialize the newprocessor by running Program 91-9 manually from the ProgrammingTelephone. Then you must reset the PIOU, PIOUS, RSSU, or RSIU/RSIS/RMDS TTY port that is connected to DKAdmin PC by performingStep B and/or C.Step B: From the Programming Telephone, use Program 03 to set code 41 forthe cabinet slot that contains the new TTY/Maintenance PIOU,PIOUS, or RSSU PCB and proceed to Step D. If you added an RSIU/RSIS/RMDS PCB, set code 49 for cabinet slot 11 and proceed to StepC.Step C: From the Programming Telephone, use Program 76-1 and 76-2 to setthe RSIU/RSIS/RMDS ports for their appropriate functions and baudrates. DKAdmin will pull Program 76 and adjust the DKAdmincustomer database accordingly. Make sure the TTY/Maintenance portsettings are correct to insure a successful Upgrade process.Proceed to Step D.Step D: Turn DK off (5 sec) then on. From the Programming Telephone, testthe RCTU (R3) RAM by running Program 00-(51,52/61, 62)Press any key to ContinueBaud Rate SelectionPlease adjust the baud rate of DKBackup PC COM port to match the new PIOU,PIOUS, RSSU or RSIU/RSIS you may have installed.Baud Rate .............9600 300120024004800960014400192003840057600