3-20 DNW-A75/A75PERROR-99 INTERNAL INTERFACE ERROR 2(INTERNAL I/F 2)Description: Abnormality was detected in the communication between SYS2 CPU (SS-83board) and SERVO CPU (SS-83 board) or MPU (on EQ-75, DM-89, TBC-23A,or SDI-41 board) or FL (level meter module).Sub error messages and Detecting conditions:SV: When the SERVO CPU (IC103 on SS-83 board) initialization at power-on is in abnormal state.EQ: When the communication with EQ-75 board’s MPU (IC908) is in abnor-mal state.DM: When the communication with DM-89 board’s MPU (IC906) is inabnormal state.TBC: When the communication with TBC-23A board’s MPU (IC202) is inabnormal state.SDI: When the communication with SDI-41 board’s MPU (IC455) is inabnormal state.FL: When the communication with FL (level meter module) is in abnormalstate.Possible causes: SV: . DIP switch (S101 on SS-83 board) setting defect. Common RAM (IC2503 on SS-83 board) trouble. Servo system (IC100 series or IC300 series on SS-83 board) troubleEQ: . MPU control interface circuit (IC2102, 2107, 2108 on SS-83 board)trouble. Interface buffers (IC901, 902, 905 on EQ-75 board) trouble. EQ-75 board’s MPU (IC908) troubleDM: . MPU control interface circuit (IC2102, 2107, 2108 on SS-83 board)trouble. DM-89 board’s MPU (IC906) troubleTBC: . MPU control interface circuit (IC2102, 2107, 2108 on SS-83 board)trouble. TBC-23A board’s MPU (IC202) troubleSDI: . MPU control interface circuit (IC2102, 2107, 2108 on SS-83 board)trouble. SDI-41 board’s MPU (IC455) troubleFL: . Cable (between FP-117 board and level meter module) connectiondefect or disconnection. Level meter module troubleProtecting operations: When the sub error message is “SV”, enters the protection mode.When it is except above, displays only this error.3-2. Details of Error Messages