4-49DNW-A75/A75PExample of display and operationn*: This message is displayed when SV1 ROM version is1.20 and higher. When it is earlier than 1.20, themessage “SET SR2-1 ALIGNMENT TAPE ANDPUSH PLAY KEY” is displayed. However, it is notnecessary to press the PLAY button.4-2. TAPE Maintenance Mode (M0)4-2-7. SERVO ADJUST Mode (A00-01)A010 : CAPSTAN FREE SPEEDThis menu is used to perform the automatic adjustment ofa capstan free speed.nIt is necessary to perform this adjustment in both 525/60and 625/50 systems for both Betacam SX and Betacam SPformats.To execute the adjustment menu(1) Insert an alignment tape matched with each system andformat.For 525/60 system: SR2-1 (Betacam SX format)CR2-1B (Betacam SP format)For 625/50 system: SR2-1P (Betacam SX format)CR2-1B PS (Betacam SP format). The adjustment is initiated on inserting the align-ment tape.. During the automatic adjustment, a message“ADJUSTING......” will be displayed on only thesuperimposed display.m. Be sure to use the specified alignment tape.If the specified alignment tape is not used, theadjustment cannot be properly performed even if amessage “ADJUST COMPLETE” is displayed oncompleting the adjustment.. To complete the check, the inserted alignment taperequires the continuous playback-able portion morethan a check execution time.The adjustment execution time is usually aboutfifteen seconds.(2) Check the adjustment result.. On completing the automatic adjustment, themessage “ADJUST COMPLETE” will be displayed.If the automatic adjustment fails, a message “#ADJUST INCOMPLETE #” will be displayed. Inthis case, refer to the “For Automatic AdjustmentFailure (A000 to A011)” on page 4-51.(3) To exit the menu, press the MENU button once.(4) To save the adjustment data into the NV-RAM of aservo system, execute the SAVE SERVO ADJUSTDATA in A012 : NV-RAM CONTROL menu.SERVO ADJUSTA010:CAPSTAN FREE SPEEDADJUSTING......SERVO ADJUSTA010:CAPSTAN FREE SPEEDADJUST COMPLETE0* A012:NV-RAM CONTROLSERVO ADJUSTA010:CAPSTAN FREE SPEED# ADJUST INCOMPLETE #CAPSTAN SERVO TROUBLE(2)(3)(4)000Check[MENU]Data saveEx.: When failing the automaticadjustment(1) Insert SR2-1/CR2-1B (1) Insert SR2-1P/CR2-1B PSFor 525/60 system For 625/50 systemSERVO ADJUSTA010:CAPSTAN FREE SPEEDSET ALIGNMENT TAPE:SR2-1 for SXCR2-1B for BETACAM PBSERVO ADJUSTA010:CAPSTAN FREE SPEEDSET ALIGNMENT TAPE:SR2-1P for SXCR2-1BPS for BETACAM PB* *( ) ( )Now 625 systemNow 525 system