4-61DNW-A75/A75PMenu Ordinary adjustment time Tape amount required (Transport mode)A11 : EQUALIZER T About 2 min./ALL, about 15 sec./channel Adjustment time (PLAY)A12 : REC CURRENT T About 7 sec./ALL, about 3 sec./channel Adjustment time (REC)A13 : PLAY PLL About 12 sec./ALL, about 10 sec./circuit Adjustment time (PLAY)A14 : FWD PLL About 10 sec. About 10 min. (F FWD)A15 : REV PLL About 10 sec. About 11 min. (REV)A16 : A/D GAIN T About 90 sec./ALL, about 10 sec./circuit Adjustment time (PLAY)In a menu with T, tracking operation is performed.4-2. TAPE Maintenance Mode (M0)4-2-9. RF ADJUST Mode (A1)(2) Turn the search dial to set the * mark to the channelto be adjusted or ALL.. Usually, select ALL.(3) Press the SET button to initiate the automatic adjust-ment.. The automatic adjustment is initiated after automati-cally running the tape.. During the automatic adjustment, the message “AutoTracking ...” (only a menu in which tracking opera-tion is performed) or “Auto Checking ...” will bedisplayed.nWhen executing ALL adjustment in the menu inwhich tracking operation is carried out, the adjust-ment result of the channel is displayed every timeone-channel (circuit) adjustment is completed.. The time data display area displays an ordinary timecounter.. To cancel the automatic adjustment, press theMENU button once.. When no cassette tape is inserted, the message“Insert SR5-1” or “Insert Blank Tape” will bedisplayed.In this case, insert the specified tape. The adjustmentis then initiated after automatically running the tape.m. If the message “Auto Adjust (Push SET)” is continu-ously displayed, the non-recorded portion on thetape is judged to be played back. Set the tapeposition to the beginning of recorded portion.Change the playback position on the tape (notincluding A12 : REC CURRENT menu).. Keep the unit until automatic adjustment is complet-ed. Any adjustment cannot be properly performed ifthe tape transport state is changed by touching somebutton or search dial. In this case, the adjustmentfreezes or the adjustment result becomes “FAIL” or“NG”.(4) Check to see the result of automatic adjustment on thesuperimposed display.. If no abnormality is found, “OK” will be displayedon the right of the selected channel (circuit) or“ALL”.. If “Condition NG” or “Auto Adjust Failure” isdisplayed, refer to the “For Condition NG/AutomaticAdjustment Failure” on page 4-65.. To see the adjustment data, press the STOP button.n“OK”, “NG”, or “FAIL” is also displayed in the timedata display area.The adjustment result for each channel (circuit) isdisplayed in the time data display area on turning thesearch dial after completing ALL adjustment.(5) To exit the menu, press the MENU button once.To execute the automatic adjustment again in thismenu, go to step (2).(6) To save the adjustment data into the NV-RAM of anRF system, execute SAVE ALL ADJUST DATA inA1F : NV-RAM CONTROL menu.To return the adjustment data to the former saved databefore adjustment, execute ALL DATA PREVIOUSin A1F : NV-RAM CONTROL menu.nDo not save the adjustment data into NV-RAM whenabnormality is found during automatic adjustment(When the message “Auto Adjust Failure” or “Condi-tion NG” is displayed).