Detailed description2.8 OrientationSpecial functions: 3-Axis to 5-Axis Transformation (F2)Function Manual, 11/2006, 6FC5397-2BP10-2BA0 71Smoothing of the orientation jump ORIPATHSSmoothing of the oreintation jump is done within the setting data SD42670$SC_ORIPATH_SMOOTH_DIST (path distance to smoothing orientation) of the specifiedpath. The programmed reference of the orientation to the path tangent and normal vector isthen no longer maintained within this distance. If this distance is set too small, the pathvelocity may have to be reduced significantly.A velocity jump of the orientation axes can also be smoothed. In the case where theorientation path does not perform a jump, but whose first derivation is not smooth, theresulting velocity jump can be smoothed. The setting data SD42672$SC_ORIPATH_SMOOTH_TOL > 0 (tolerance for smoothing the orientation) is used tospecify how much the orientation may deviate from the "tangential" alignment. Thisorientation smoothing is only performed if G code ORIPATHS ORIPATHS is active andsetting data SD42672 SC_ORIPATH_SMOOTH_TOL > 0.Insertion of intermediate blocks for the smoothing of the orientation pathIf the following setting data is set, a separate intermediate block is inserted for the smoothingof the orientation path:SD42670 $SC_ORIPATH_SMOOTH_DIST = 0.0 (path distance for smoothing theorientation)This means that the path motion then stops at the corner of the contour and only then thejump in the tool orientation is executed. The orientation change is then only performed withwith continuous acceleration when ORIPATHS is active. Otherwise the orientation istransferred from the start orientation to the end orientation by means of linear large circleinterpolation.Execute tool retracting movementA tool retracting movement can be performed during this re-orientation. The direction andpath length of the retracting movement is programmed via the vector using the componentsA8=x, B8=y and C8=z. If the length of this vector is exactly zero, no retracting movement isexecuted.In which coordinate system the tool retracting vector is interpreted, depends on the value ofthe following machine data:MD21094 $MC_ORIPATH_MODE (setting for path relative orientation ORIPATH)This specifies in which coordinate system the retracting vector is interpreted.1. Tool coordinate system: z coordinate defined by current tool direction.2. Workpiece coordinate system: z coordinate defined by active plane.Normally the retracting movement is performed simultaneously to the orientation change. Afactor can be programmed with the identifier ORIPLF = r , which defines a "safetyclearance". In this way, tool orientation only changes when the tool has retracted by r *retraction path. The programmed retraction factor must be in the interval 0 = r 1, in order toavoid alarm14126.