Detailed description2.6 Generic 5-axis transformation and variantsSpecial functions: 3-Axis to 5-Axis Transformation (F2)52 Function Manual, 11/2006, 6FC5397-2BP10-2BA02.6.5 Extension of the generic transformation to 6 axesApplicationWith the maximum 3 linear axes and 2 rotary axes, the motion and direction of the tool inspace can be completely described with the generic 5-axis transformation. Rotations of thetool around itself, as is important for a tool that is not rotation-symmetric or robots, require anadditional rotary axis. The previous generic 5-axis transformation will therefore be extendedby a 3rd rotary axis and further functions added.• Extension to 3 linear axes and 3 rotary axes, i.e. 6 axes.• General use of the generic orientation transformation with unchanged parameterization ofmachine data.• Cartesian manual travel also for the generic transformation.Kinematics for the 6-axis transformationThe 6-axis transformation is based on the generic 5-axis transformation and is extended bytransformation type 57. Therefore, four different machine kinematics exist that aredifferentiated through the specification of the transformation type in the following machinedata:MD24100 $MC_TRAFO_TYPE_1 = Trafotyp (definition of transformation 1 in the channel)Table 2-4 Overview of machine types for the generic 6-axis transformationMachine type 1 2 3 4swivel/rotatable tool workpiece tool/workpiecetool/workpieceTransformationtypes24 40 56 57Orientation in space,rotation of the axesUnchanged.All three axes rotatethe toolUnchanged.All three axes rotatethe workpieceTool by two axes,workpiece by arotary axisTool byone axis,workpieceby tworotary axesIn all four cases, the first rotary axis is the one which closest to the workpiece and the thirdrotary axis the one which closest to the tool in the kinematic chain.