Brief description1.5 Orientation axesSpecial functions: 3-Axis to 5-Axis Transformation (F2)Function Manual, 11/2006, 6FC5397-2BP10-2BA0 111.5 Orientation axesModel for describing change in orientationThere is no such simple correlation between axis motion and change in orientation in case ofrobots, hexapodes or nutator kinamatics, as in the case of conventional 5-axes machines.For this reason, the change in orientation is defined by a model that is created independentlyof the actual machine. This model defines three virtual orientation axes which can bevisualized as rotations about the coordinate axes of a rectangular coordinate system.For the purpose of 6-axis transformation, a third degree of freedom for orientation, describingthe rotation of the tool about itself, has been introduced.Real-time transformationThe Cartesian coordinates are converted from basic to machine coordinate system bymeans of a real-time transformation process.These Cartesian coordinates comprise:• Geometry axesGeometry axes describe the machining point.• Orientation axesOrientation axes describe the orientation of a tool in space.Tool orientationYou can define the orientation of the tool in space as follows using linear interpolation, largecircle interpolation and by means of orientation vectors:• Direct programming of rotary axis positions A, B, C5-axis transformation by programming:– The Euler- or RPY angle in degrees through A2,B2,C2or– The direction vector over A3,B3,C3• Programming using lead angle LEAD and tilt angle TILT