Detailed description2.2 Referencing and synchronization of gantry axesSpecial functions: Gantry Axes (G1)20 Function Manual, 11/2006, 6FC5397-2BP10-2BA0Referencing from part program with G74The referencing and synchronization process for gantry axes can also be initiated from thepart program by means of command G74. In this case, only the axis name of the leadingaxis may be programmed. The operational sequence is analogous to that described for axis-specific referencing.Position measuring system with distancecoded reference marksIn order that return traverses do not have to be made over large distances, it is possible touse a position measuring system with distance-coded reference marks as a sole or secondmeasuring system for gantry axes. In this way the measuring system is referenced aftertraversal of a short path (e.g. 20 mm). The procedure for referencing the gantry axes is thesame as that described for the normal incremental measuring system.References:/FB1/ Function Manual, Basic Functions, Reference Point Approach (R1)Absolute encoderDuring the course of the synchronization compensatory motion, all axes in the gantry axisgrouping traverse to the reference point value of the leading axis defined in the machinedata:MD34100 $MA_REFP_SET_POS (reference point value/destination point for distancecodedsystem)The absolute encoders and distanced-coded encoders of the leading axis will be set to thecurrent actual position of the leading axis or to the reference point by the following machinedata:MD34330 $MA_REFP_STOP_AT_ABS_MARKER (Distancecoded linear measuring systemwithout destination point)Activation of axis compensationsCompensation functions can be activated for both the leading axis and the synchronizedaxes. Compensation values are applied separately for each individual gantry axis. Thesevalues must therefore be defined and entered for the leading axis and the synchronized axesduring start-up.The compensations do not become operative internally in the control until the axis isreferenced or the gantry grouping synchronized. The following applies:Compensation type Takes effect when PLC interface signalBacklash compensation Axis is referenced "Referenced/Synchronized"LEC Axis is referenced "Referenced/Synchronized"Sag compensation Gantry grouping issynchronized"Gantry grouping is synchronized"Temperature compensation Gantry grouping issynchronized"Gantry grouping is synchronized"If a movement by the synchronized axis (axes) is caused by an active compensation, a travelcommand is displayed for the synchronized axis (axes) independently of the leading axis.