Brief description1.1 Brief description (840Di)Special functions: Installation and Activation of Loadable Compile Cycles (TE01)6 Function Manual, 11/2006, 6FC5397-2BP10-2BA0as well as to user-specific technology functions.The following technology functions are not available in the form of compile cycles:• Analog axisThe compile cycle is now available as a hardware solution.• Speed/torque couplingThe compile cycle is a generally-available function from SW 6.4 and higher.Supply formatUp to and including SW 6.3, the technology functions were supplied in the form of compilecycles on the technology PC card. Several functions were normally stored on each PC cardbut only one function was used. With SW 6.4, the technology functions are suppliedindividually as loadable compile cycles.Tips for useThe following chapters describe how to load and activate the compile cycles and set thenecessary NCK machine data.Please follow the detailed instructions if you have not already used compile cycles.Follow the instructions in the "Boundary Conditions" section if you have made an archivefrom an operational control using compile cycles from a technology PC card and want toreplace these compile cycles with more recent versions in the form of loadable compilecycles.ConditionsOne of the following programs is required for the installation:• SinuCom NC• SinuCopy FFS• HMI AdvancedFurthermore, a programming device/PC with MPI connection to the NCU must also beavailable.NoteThe following instructions must be followed for system startup:• /IAD/ Startup Manual• /HMI/ Startup Manual HMI Advanced• Current standard upgrade instructions