Special functions: Retrace Support (TE7)Function Manual, 11/2006, 6FC5397-2BP10-2BA0 5Brief description 1FunctionThe "Continue machining - Retrace support" technological function ("RESU" in the remainderof this document) supports the retracing of uncompleted 2-dimensional machining processessuch as laser cutting, water jet cutting, etc.In the event of a fault during the machining process, e.g. loss of the laser, RESU can beused even by machine operators who do not have specific knowledge of the active partprogram to interrupt machining and travel back along the contour from the interruption pointto a program continuation point necessary for machining purposes.The machine operator initiates the retrace at the program continuation point. As part of theretrace process, an implicit block search takes place along the contour with calculationfollowed by repositioning on the contour and automatic retracing of the part programmachining process.The retrace option is selected and deselected in advance using part program commandswithin the machining program. The program continuation point can be selected at anyposition within the contour ranges specified in this way.3URJUDPFRQWLQXDWLRQSRLQW11111QG*HRPHWU\D[LVVW*HRPHWU\D[LV1&&B35(35( 5(68VWDUW1&&B35(35( 5(68VWRS11Figure 1-1 Programmed contour with program continuation and interruption pointsPrecise retracing of contours is possible on all programmed contours comprising straight andcircular elements. During retracing, other programmed contour elements such as splines orautomatically inserted non-linear contour elements (circle, parable, etc. e.g. through toolradius compensation) are mapped as straight lines through the start and end points of thecorresponding contour element, thereby preventing precise retracing of contours.