Detailed description2.3 Master value couplingSpecial functions: Axis Couplings and ESR (M3)52 Function Manual, 11/2006, 6FC5397-2BP10-2BA0:LWK2872))6(7DFWLYHRXWVLGH7$%:LWK,12))6(7LVQRWDFWLYHRXWVLGH7$%/$/$)$)$6'6$B/($'B2))6(7B287B326>)$@7KHFDOFXODWHGSRVLWLRQRIWKHIROORZLQJD[LVLVRIIVHWZLWKWKHVSHFLILHGLQFUHPHQWV,IWKH7$%LVPRYHGRXWVLGHRIWKH)$/($'21SRVLWLRQ.23FDQQRWEHVZLWFKHGRQ6HWWLQJGDWDLVHIIHFWLYHRXWVLGHRIWKHWDEOHGHILQLWLRQDOVRLQWKHQHJDWLYHGLUHFWLRQ6'B6$B/($'B2))6(7B,1B326>)$@7KHFDOFXODWHGSRVLWLRQRIWKHIROORZLQJD[LVLVRIIVHWZLWKWKHVSHFLILHGLQFUHPHQWVPP PP PPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPP PP PPPPPPQHZ/$ZLWKಱಯFigure 2-5 Master value coupling offset and scaling (with increment offset)Reaction to StopAll master value coupled following axes react to channel stop and MODE GROUP stop.Master value coupled following axes react to a stop due to end of program (M30, M02) ifthey have not been activated by static synchronous actions (IDS=...). (Note:MD20110 $MC_RESET_MODE_MASK (definition of initial control settings after RESET/TP-End)MD20112 $MC_START_MODE_MASK (definition of initial control system settings with NC-START)Leading axis and following axis must always interpolate in the same channel. A followingaxis in a different channel cannot be coupled (axis exchange).START and mode change enable a following axis in the master value coupling that has beenstopped.RESET also enables a stopped following axis in master value coupling. If enabling byRESET is not desired, or if it is dangerous (e.g. because the following axis is coupled to anexternal master value not controlled by the NC), then the following machine data must beprogrammed such that master value couplings are switched off with RESET (2001H, i.e. bit13 set to 1):MD20110 $MC_RESET_MODE_MASK