Detailed description2.1 Speed/torque coupling, master-slave (SW 6 and higher)Special functions: Speed/Torque Coupling, Master-Slave (TE3)Function Manual, 11/2006, 6FC5397-2BP10-2BA0 19Dynamic stiffness controlThe Kv factor of the master axis is copied to the slave axis for an existing coupling and isthus also active in the slave drive. This is an attempt to achieve the same control response inthe drive of the master and slave axis as far as possible. MD32640$MA_STIFFNESS_CONTROL_ENABLE must be configured identically in all coupled axes.Speed/torque feedforward controlThe feedforward control in the slave axis does not have to be activated explicitly. The currentsettings of the master axis apply. The speed feedforward value of the master axis is alreadyincorporated in the speed setpoint of the slave axis. For an active torque precontrol, theload-side torque precontrol value of the master axis is also active in the slave drive.The mechanical situation changes in coupled mode. Axial settings must be adjustedaccordingly. All coupled drives should have the same speed control dynamics.GantryIf one master-slave relationship is defined on each side of the gantry grouping to increasethe gain, only the leading axis or following axis may be operated as master axis.Moving to fixed end stopThe travel to fixed stop function can be programmed only in the master axis when a couplingis active and has a different effect on the master and slave axes.• The programmed value is expressed as a percentage of the rated drive torque of themaster axis. The master axis detects when the fixed stop has been reached.• The programmed value is also active on the slave axis, but refers to the drive torque ofthe slave axis.If the rated torque values of the master and slave axes are different, they can be adapted toeach other through the following slave axis machine data:MD37014 $MA_FIXED_STOP_TORQUE_FACTORSpecifying a factor < 1 reduces the programmed clamping torque in the slave axis.Please note the following constraints:• Torque distribution between the master and slave axes is not possible during clamping asthe torque compensatory controller is deactivated during clamping operations.• Status changes to the master-slave coupling have no effect during travel to fixed stop.Specification of a new status is only accepted when the fixed stop function has beencompleted.Safety integratedAs the slave axis is traversed via the master axis speed setpoint, the axial setpoint limitMD36933 $MA_SAFE_DES_VELO_LIMIT is inactive in the coupled slave axes. All safetymonitoring functions remain active in the slave axes however.