LH75400/01/10/11 (Preliminary) User’s Guide Synchronous Serial Port6/17/03 18-518.3.1 Motorola SPI Frame FormatFor the Motorola SPI format, the serial frame pin (SSPFRM) is active LOW. The SPO andSPH bits in SSP Control Register 0 influence SSPCLK and SSPFRM operation in Singleand Continuous Modes.Figure 18-3 through Figure 18-6 show the Motorola SPI frame format for single data trans-fers, continuous data transfers, and when SPH equals 0 or 1.Figure 18-3. Motorola SPI Frame Format (Single Transfer)Figure 18-4. Motorola SPI Frame Format (Continuous Transfer)SSPRXNOTES1. Single transfer: SPH = '0', SPO = '0'.2. Q = Undefined.SSPTXSSPFRMSSPCLK4 to 16 BITSMSBMSB LSB QLSBLH754xx-31NOTE: Continuous transfer: SPH = '1', SPO = '0'.SSPFRMSSPCLKSSPTX/SSPRX4 to 16 BITSMSB LSBLH754xx-32