Glossary_ 173IEEE 1284The 1284 parallel port standard was developed by the Institute ofElectrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). The term "1284-B" refers toa specific connector type on the end of the parallel cable that attaches tothe peripheral (for example, a printer).IntranetA private network that uses Internet Protocols, network connectivity, andpossibly the public telecommunication system to securely share part ofan organization's information or operations with its employees.Sometimes the term refers only to the most visible service, the internalwebsite.IP addressAn Internet Protocol (IP) address is a unique number that devices use inorder to identify and communicate with each other on a network utilizingthe Internet Protocol standard.IPMThe Images Per Minute (IPM) is a way of measuring the speed of aprinter. An IPM rate indicates the number of single-sided sheets a printercan complete within one minute.IPPThe Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) defines a standard protocol forprinting as well as managing print jobs, media size, resolution, and soforth. IPP can be used locally or over the Internet to hundreds ofprinters, and also supports access control, authentication, andencryption, making it a much more capable and secure printing solutionthan older ones.IPX/SPXIPX/SPX stands for Internet Packet Exchange/Sequenced PacketExchange. It is a networking protocol used by the Novell NetWareoperating systems. IPX and SPX both provide connection servicessimilar to TCP/IP, with the IPX protocol having similarities to IP, andSPX having similarities to TCP. IPX/SPX was primarily designed forlocal area networks (LANs), and is a very efficient protocol for thispurpose (typically its performance exceeds that of TCP/IP on a LAN).ISOThe International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is aninternational standard-setting body composed of representatives fromnational standards bodies. It produces world-wide industrial andcommercial standards.ITU-TThe International Telecommunication Union is an internationalorganization established to standardize and regulate international radioand telecommunications. Its main tasks include standardization,allocation of the radio spectrum, and organizing interconnectionarrangements between different countries to allow international phonecalls. A -T out of ITU-T indicates telecommunication.ITU-T No. 1 chartStandardized test chart published by ITU-T for document facsimiletransmissions.JBIGJoint Bi-level Image Experts Group (JBIG) is an image compressionstandard with no loss of accuracy or quality, which was designed forcompression of binary images, particularly for faxes, but can also beused on other images.JPEGJoint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) is a most commonly usedstandard method of lossy compression for photographic images. It is theformat used for storing and transmitting photographs on the World WideWeb.LDAPThe Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is a networkingprotocol for querying and modifying directory services running overTCP/IP.LEDA Light-Emitting Diode (LED) is a semiconductor device that indicatesthe status of a machine.MAC addressMedia Access Control (MAC) address is a unique identifier associatedwith a network adapter. MAC address is a unique 48-bit identifier usuallywritten as 12 hexadecimal characters grouped in pairs (e. g.,00-00-0c-34-11-4e). This address is usually hard-coded into a NetworkInterface Card (NIC) by its manufacturer, and used as an aid for routerstrying to locate machines on large networks.MFPMulti Function Peripheral (MFP) is an office machine that includes thefollowing functionality in one physical body, so as to have a printer, acopier, a fax, a scanner and etc.MHModified Huffman (MH) is a compression method for decreasing theamount of data that needs to be transmitted between the fax machinesto transfer the image recommended by ITU-T T.4. MH is acodebook-based run-length encoding scheme optimized to efficientlycompress white space. As most faxes consist mostly of white space, thisminimizes the transmission time of most faxes.MMRModified Modified READ (MMR) is a compression methodrecommended by ITU-T T.6.ModemA device that modulates a carrier signal to encode digital information,and also demodulates such a carrier signal to decode transmittedinformation.