Troubleshooting_ 154Vertical repetitivedefectsAIf marks repeatedly appear on the printed side ofthe page at even intervals:• The imaging unit may be damaged. If arepetitive mark occurs on the page, run acleaning sheet through several times toclean the imaging unit. Cleaning the inside. Ifyou still have the same problems, removethe imaging unit and install a new one.Contact a service representative.• Parts of the machine may have toner onthem. If the defects occur on the back of thepage, the problem will likely correct itselfafter a few more pages.• The fusing assembly may be damaged.Contact a service representative.BackgroundscatterBackground scatter results from bits of tonerrandomly distributed on the printed page.• The paper may be too damp. Try printingwith a different batch of paper. Do not openpackages of paper until necessary so thatthe paper does not absorb too muchmoisture.• If background scatter occurs on an envelope,change the printing layout to avoid printingover areas that have overlapping seams onthe reverse side. Printing on seams cancause problems.• If background scatter covers the entiresurface area of a printed page, adjust theprint resolution through your softwareapplication or in Printing Preferences (see"Opening printing preferences" onpage 101).Misformedcharacters• If characters are improperly formed andproducing hollow images, the paper stockmay be too slick. Try different paper (see"Print media specifications" on page 165).• If characters are improperly formed andproducing a wavy effect, the scanner unit mayneed service. Cleaning the scan unit orcontact a service representative.Page skew • Ensure that the paper is loaded properly.• Check the paper type and quality (see "Printmedia specifications" on page 165).• Ensure that the paper or other material isloaded correctly and the guides are not tootight or too loose against the paper stack.• Ensure that the standard tray right bottomdoor, dual cassette feeder right bottom dooror high capacity feeder right bottom door issecurely closed. If the bottom doors are notcompletely closed, open and close the bottomdoors.Condition Suggested SolutionsCurl or wave • Ensure that the paper is loaded properly.• Check the paper type and quality. Both hightemperature and humidity can cause papercurl (see "Print media specifications" onpage 165).• Turn the stack of paper over in the tray. Alsotry rotating the paper 180° in the tray.Wrinkles orcreasesA• Ensure that the paper is loaded properly.• Check the paper type and quality (see "Printmedia specifications" on page 165).• Turn the stack of paper over in the tray. Alsotry rotating the paper 180° in the tray.• Ensure that the standard tray right bottomdoor, dual cassette feeder right bottom dooror high capacity feeder right bottom door issecurely closed. If the bottom doors are notcompletely closed, open and close the bottomdoors.Back of printoutsare dirtyCheck for leaking toner. Clean the inside of themachine. Cleaning the inside or contact aservice representative.Solid Color orBlack pages• The imaging unit may not be installedproperly. Remove the imaging unit andreinsert it.• The imaging unit may be defective and needreplacing. Remove the imaging unit andinstall a new one. Contact a servicerepresentative.• The machine may require repair. Contact aservice representative.Loose toner • Clean the inside of the machine. Cleaning theinside or contact a service representative.• Check the paper type and quality (see "Printmedia specifications" on page 165).• Remove the imaging unit and install a newone. Contact a service representative.• If the problem persists, the machine mayrequire repair. Contact a servicerepresentative.Condition Suggested Solutions