-44-Alarm settings■ Using the Alarm Setup MenuDisplay the alarm setup menu from the setup menu toconfigure alarm settings.First, display the alarm setup menu.1. Display the setup menu (page 24), move the cursorto ALARM O, and then press the CAM (SET) button.This will display the alarm setup menu.* The following sections numbered q to e explainhow to use each of the alarm setup menu items.(1) Motion Detector Setting (MOTION DET)1. Move the cursor to MOTION DET, and then tilt thejoystick left or right to toggle it on and off.OFF :Turns off the motion detector.MODE 1 :Alarm signal is output when motion isdetected in the image. Selecting MODE 1and pressing the CAM (SET) button displaysthe mode 1 setting menu, which can beused for configuring detailed settings.MODE 2 :Alarm signal is output when the camera iscovered by cloth, a lid, spray paint orsomething.Motion DetectorThe motion detector divides the screen into 48 blocksand monitors changes in the luminance in each block.When it detects any change (movement) in the image,it outputs an alarm signal. When a change (movement)in the image is detected while in the auto mode, thealarm signal is output and the camera stops at thepreset position for a specified amount of time.Important: Conditions for Mode 2Monitoring might not be possible in the followingsituations.• If only one part of the screen is not covered, or ifthe covering is translucentAlso, false detection might occur in the following situations.• When extreme changes in lighting occur, such asturning lights on an off• If pedestrian or vehicle traffic is heavyNote: If you want to set a motion detector for eachpreset position, do the scene file setting.● Configuring Detailed Motion DetectorSettings for MODE 11. Move the cursor to MASK SET O, and then pressthe CAM (SET) button.This will display the mask setting screen.2. Mask the areas of the screen that you do not wantthe motion detector to monitor for movement.To mask screen areas, use the same procedure asstep 5 under "SUPER-D 3 (Super Dynamic 3)" onpage 28. After configuring mask settings, press theMON (ESC) button to return to the motion detectorsetting menu.3. Move the cursor to ALARM, and then tilt the joystickleft or right to toggle demo mode (see step 5) alarmoutput on and off.ON : Turns on alarm output in the demo mode.OFF : Turns off alarm output in the demo mode.4. Move the cursor to DISPLAY MODE, and then pressthe CAM (SET) button.This activates the demo mode.Demo ModeThe demo mode divides the screen into 48 blocks andmonitors changes in the luminance in each block. Italso masks any part of the picture where there is achange in average luminance that exceeds thecurrently specified detection sensitivity level. The demomode results can be used to determine the optimumdetection sensitivity level (step 5) and the areas of thescreen that need to be masked (step 1).5. Move the cursor to LEVEL, and then tilt the joystickleft or right to set the detection sensitivity level.Shifting the setting towards the + side increasessensitivity, while shifting towards the - sidedecreases it. Repeat steps 4 and 5 until theoptimum sensitivity level is obtained.Detection ConditionsObject Size : The moving object must be largerthan one of the screen blocks (1/48of the total screen area).Subject Contrast: The contrast ratio between thebackground and the moving objectmust be at least 5 % (at themaximum LEVEL setting).Object Speed : The allowable time range for theobject to pass from one edge of thescreen to the other is 0.1 second to0.8 second. Movement that is faster orslower than this cannot be detected.Important: Size and speed limitations are relaxedsomewhat when the contrast ratio between thebackground and the moving object is large.**ALARM SETUP**MOTION DETPRESET ALMALARM IN/OUTRET TOPOFFOFF qe w**MODE1**LEVELDWELL TIMEDISPLAY MODEALARMMASK SETRECOVER TIMERET TOP•••I•••131- +2SOFFOFF