1.24.3 Voice Mail DPT (Digital) IntegrationDescriptionA Panasonic VPS that supports DPT (Digital) Integration (e.g., the KX-TVP200) can be connected to this PBXin a tightly integrated fashion.DPT (Digital) Integration features can be used when the VPS is connected through DPT ports of the PBX.Feature Explanation1. Automatic Configuration—Quick SetupThe PBX informs the VPS of its extension numbers and the floating extension numbers of the incomingcall distribution groups so that the VPS can create mailboxes with this data automatically.2. FWD to a Mailbox of the VPSIf an extension user sets FWD to the VPS, incoming calls are forwarded to the VPS. (® CallForwarding (FWD)) The PBX sends a mailbox number of the forwarding extension to the VPS.Therefore the caller can leave a message in the mailbox of the extension without knowing the mailboxnumber.3. Intercept Routing to a Mailbox of the VPSIf an extension user sets Intercept Routing to the VPS, the intercepted trunk calls will be redirected to theVPS. (® Intercept Routing) If the "Intercept to Mailbox" setting is enabled through systemprogramming, the PBX sends the mailbox number of the intercepted extension to the VPS.Therefore the caller can leave a message in the mailbox of the extension without knowing the mailboxnumber.® 5.19 [3-7-1] VM(DPT) Group—System Settings— Intercept to Mailbox4. Transferring to a Mailbox of the VPSAn extension user can transfer a call to a mailbox of the VPS so that the caller can leave a message in themailbox of the desired extension. (® 1.12.1 Call Transfer) The extension user should use the Voice Mail(VM) Transfer button, when transferring a call to the mailbox of the VPS. When the extension user pressesthis button and enters the desired extension number, the PBX will transfer the call to the VM group anddial the mailbox number of the desired extension number with the required command (after the VPSanswers the call). Therefore the caller can leave a message without knowing the mailbox number.5. Transfer Recall to a Mailbox of the VPSIf a call is transferred to an extension via the Automated Attendant (AA) service of the VPS and the call isnot answered within a preprogrammed Transfer Recall time, the PBX sends the mailbox number of thetransfer destination extension to the VPS. Therefore the caller can leave a message in the mailbox of theextension without knowing the mailbox number. The "Transfer Recall to Mailbox" setting shouldbe enabled through system programming to use this feature.® 4.4 [2-3] Timers & Counters—Dial / IRNA / Recall / Tone— Recall—Transfer Recall® 5.19 [3-7-1] VM(DPT) Group—System Settings— Transfer Recall to Mailbox® [201] Transfer Recall Time6. Listening to a Recorded Message (Direct Mailbox Access)If the VPS receives a message, the VPS will set the Message Waiting feature (e.g., turning on the Messagebutton light, and showing the number of messages waiting on the display of a 6-line display PT) on thecorresponding telephone as notification. (® 1.19.1 Message Waiting) Thereby, the VPS notifies theextension user that there is a message waiting in his mailbox. When the Message button light turns on,pressing the button allows the extension user to play back the messages stored in his mailbox withoutdialling such as a mailbox.When the extension user dials an extension number of the VM (DPT) extension port or the floatingextension number of the VM (DPT) group from his extension, he can listen to the messages stored in hismailbox without dialling his mailbox number (Direct Mailbox Access). It is possible to disable this featureby COS programming on the VPS.7. VPS Trunk Service & Automatic Time Mode Notification for Incoming Call*1Multiple tenants can share a single VPS; each tenant does not require a dedicated VPS port. If thedestination of the incoming trunk call is a VM (DPT) group, the PBX sends the VM trunk group number andFeature Guide 2791.24.3 Voice Mail DPT (Digital) Integration