1.24 Voice Mail Features1.24.1 Voice Mail (VM) GroupDescriptionA VPS can be connected to extension ports of the PBX. The extension ports make a group, called a VM group.This group has a floating extension number. The VM group can be the destination for redirected calls andincoming calls. When receiving a call, the VPS can greet the caller offering them the option to leave a messageor dial a number to reach the desired party. The VPS can record the message for each extension and leavenotification on the corresponding extension, if the called extension is not able to answer calls.1. VM Group TypeType DescriptionVM (DTMF) GroupA group of SLT ports which use the Voice Mail DTMF Inte-gration features.A maximum of 2 (for KX-TDA30/KX-TDA100/KX-TDA200) or8 (for KX-TDA600) groups can be assigned.VM (DPT) GroupA group of DPT ports which use the Voice Mail DPT (Digital)Integration features.With the KX-TDA30:• One VM (DPT) group can be assigned.• A maximum of 4 ports (8 channels) of the VPS can forma group.With the KX-TDA100/KX-TDA200/KX-TDA600:• A maximum of 2 (for KX-TDA100/KX-TDA200) or 8 (forKX-TDA600) KX-TVS/KX-TVP systems can be connec-ted to the PBX.• A maximum of one VM (DPT) group per KX-TVS/KX-TVP can be assigned.• A maximum of 12 ports (24 channels) of the VPS can formeach group.[Example]PBXSLTPortSLTPortSLTPortSLTPortVPS(DPT [Digital] Integration)VPS(DTMF Integration)DPTPortDPTPortDPTPortDPTPortDPTPortVM (DPT) GroupFloating extn. no. 500 (default)VM (DTMF) GroupFloating extn. no. 250Extn.101 Extn.102 Extn.103 Extn.104 Extn.117 Extn.118 Extn.119 Extn.120SLTPortFeature Guide 2691.24.1 Voice Mail (VM) Group