Holding a Call in a System ParkingZone (Call Park)You can hold a call in a common parking zone. Callsheld in a parking zone can be retrieved by anyextension.You can put a call in either an idle parking zone(automatic) or a specified parking zone (manual).Operation in Line Buttons modeTo hold the current call in an idle parking zone1. On the Calls screen, press (TRANSFER).2. Press .The display indicates the parking zone that the callwas held in.3. Go on-hook.To hold a call in a specified parking zone1. On the Calls screen, press (TRANSFER).2. Press , and then enter the number of theparking zone to park the call in.When you enter the parking zone number, use 2digits (e.g., 04).A window appears indicating the parking zone thecall was held in.3. On the window, press OK.4. Go on-hook.To retrieve a parked call1. Press , and then enter the number of theparking zone to retrieve the call from.When you enter the parking zone number, use 2digits (e.g., 04).2. Go off-hook.Operation in Call List modeTo hold a call in an idle parking zone1. On the Calls screen, select the call you want tohold.2. Press Park the call (Automatic).A window appears indicating the parking zone thecall was held in.3. On the window, press OK.4. Go on-hook.To hold a call in a specified parking zone1. On the Calls screen, select the call you want tohold.2. Press Park the call (Manual).3. In the Park the call window, use the dial keys toenter the number of the parking zone you want tohold the call in.–or–Press and to increase and decrease theparking zone number incrementally.4. Press OK.A window appears indicating the parking zone thecall was held in.5. On the window, press OK.6. Go on-hook.To retrieve a parked call1. On the Calls screen, select the call you want toretrieve.2. Press Unpark the call, and go off-hook.Usage tips• You can retrieve a call that was parked by anotherextension by using the procedure "To retrieve aparked call" in "Operation in Line Buttons mode(Page 70)".• If a call is not retrieved within a specified time, youwill hear an alarm as a reminder (Call Park Recall).If an outside call is not retrieved within a specifiedtime, it is automatically disconnected.• If you hear a reorder tone when retrieving a parkedcall, there is no held call. Confirm the stored parkingzone number.• After you park a call, you can perform otheroperations.Receiving a Second Call(Answering Call Waiting)During a conversation, if a second call arrives, the CallAlert window appears. You will also hear a call waitingtone.70 Operating Instructions Document Version 2010-01Basic Feature Operation