Firmware Version UpdateYou can upgrade the KX-NT400 firmware from an FTPserver or an SD memory card.You can also use the PC Maintenance Console toupgrade the firmware from an FTP server. For details,see the documentation for the PC MaintenanceConsole.Note• During the upgrade process, do not disconnectthe power from the KX-NT400 or perform otheroperations, such as accessing other screens.• This operation should be performed only by anadministrator or installation personnel. Anaccess code is required to access thesescreens.• If a valid IP address has not been assigned tothe KX-NT400, an error message will appearwhen you press Firmware Version Update.Make sure a valid IP address has been set. See"IP Address Settings (Page 159)".• The Firmware Version Update button isdisabled if the IP Address settings have beenchanged without restarting the KX-NT400. Fordetails about restarting, see "Restarting theKX-NT400 (Page 168)".• If you experience problems when upgrading thefirmware from an FTP server, see"Troubleshooting (Page 183)".Firmware Version Update screen(1/4)Enter the information for the FTP server to use fordownloading the firmware.FTP Server Address (required)Enter the IP address of the FTP server.FTP Server Control Port (required)Enter the port number that the FTP server uses forcontrol communications.• Default: 21Firmware Version Update screen(2/4)Enter the information for the FTP server to use fordownloading the firmware.FTP User ID (required)Enter the User ID for the FTP server.FTP User Password (required)Enter the password for the FTP server.FTP Path (required)Enter the full path for the firmware file stored in theFTP server.• Default: C:/panasonic/nt400FTP File Name (required)Enter the file name of the firmware file stored in theFTP server.• Default: PNT400Firmware Version Update screen(3/4)Enter information for the network that the FTP serverfor upgrading the KX-NT400 firmware belongs to.If a VLAN is used on the network, enter the VLAN IDand VLAN priority.VLANSelect whether a VLAN is used on the network.• Default: DisableVLAN IDEnter the ID for the VLAN.Document Version 2010-01 Operating Instructions 163Installation and Settings