9Parts and their functionsFront panel (1)POWER switchCassette insertion slot (See page 18)EJECT buttonWhen this button is pressed, the tape is unloaded andthe cassette is ejected automatically a few secondslater. When CTL display has been selected for thecounter display, the display is reset.To enable or disable the EJECT button operation duringrecording, use menu No. 115 EJECT SW INH.CONTROL switchThis is selected to control the unit from an externalsource using the REMOTE connector.REMOTE: Set to this position when controlling the unitwith the AV/C command or the commandsoverlapped on the HD SDI of the 9-pinREMOTE, via IEEE1394.LOCAL : Set to this position to control the unit usingthe controls on the unit’s operation panel.REC INHIBIT switchThis switch is used to enable or disable recording on thecassette tape.ON: Recording on the cassette tape is disabled(inhibited). In this state, the REC INH lamp lightson the display panel.OFF: Recording on the cassette tape is enabled solong as the accidental erasure preventionmechanism on the cassette tape is set to enablerecording.METER (FULL/FINE) selector buttonThis button is used to select the scale display for theaudio level meter.FULL mode:The standard scale (– to 0 dB) is selected.FINE mode:The scale in 0.5 dB increments is selected. Theposition indicates the standard level of –20 dB(For AJ-HD1400P) or –18 dB (For AJ-HD1400E).(See page 12)MONITOR SEL buttonThis button is used to select the audio signals which areto be output to the AUDIO MON L and R connectors.Each time the button is pressed, the audio signals to beoutput to the AUDIO MON L or R connector arechanged in the following sequence.Which signal is currently selected is displayed by thelighting of the L or R lamp on the level meter display.Select [CH5-8] on the menu No. 783 AUDIO CH SEL tomonitor CH5 to CH8.Headphone jack and volume controlWhen stereo headphones are connected to the headsetjack, you can monitor the audio signal through theheadphones during recording and playback.The headphone volume for output and monitoring outputcan be adjusted with the volume control knob. Whetherthe monitoring volume is linked to the volume controlknob or not can be selected in menu No. 712 MONIOUT. In independent operation, the monitor output isfixed regardless of the position of the volume controlknob.Also, the output volume of the headphones is alwayslinked to the volume control knob.REC/PBCH1/5 CH2/6 CH3/7 CH4/8RECPBCH1 CH2 CH1 CH2PBHD[CH1] [CH3] [CH1] [CH2] [CH3] [CH4][CH2] [CH4] [CH1] [CH2] [CH3] [CH4][CUE] [CH1+CH2] [CH3+CH4][CUE] [CH1+CH2] [CH3+CH4] L :R :