General Description 2-15POST Execution FlowThe following describes the progress of POST in the chronological order.IMPORTANT: Do not make key entries or perform mouse operations while POSTis in progress. Some system configurations may display the message "Press AnyKey" to prompt a key entry. This message is driven by BIOS of aninstalled optional board. Make sure to read the manual that comeswith the optional board before any key entry. Powering on the server, after you installed or removed an optionalPCI board or moved it to another slot, may display the message thatindicates incorrect board configuration and suspend POST.In such a case, press F1 to continue POST. Board configurationcan be made using the utility described later.1. After a few seconds from power-on, POST starts checking the memory. The countmessage of the basic and expansion memory appears at top left on the display unit screen.The memory check may takes a few minutes to complete depending on the memory sizeof the server. Also, it may take approximately one minute for the screen display toappear after rebooting the server.2. Some messages appear upon completion of the memory check. These messages appearto indicate that the system has detected the CPU, keyboard, and mouse.3. After a few seconds, POST displays the following message prompting you to launch theBIOS setup utility, stored in the system memory of the server. This message appears atbottom left on the screen.Press to enter SETUP or Press LAN BootLaunch the BIOS setup utility when you need to change the settings to meet therequirements for the server. As long as the above message is not displayed with an errormessage, you don't have to launch the utility. (Ignore the message. POST willautomatically proceed.)To launch the BIOS setup utility, press F2 while the above message is displayed. SeeChapter 4 for setup and parameters.