10-6 Internal Cabling DiagramsConnection of Disk Array Controller (SCSI)If SCSI disks are installed, the disk array controller can be connected to the server. The internal harddisks can be subject to the disk array configuration. The supported RAID configuration includesRAID0 (striping) and RAID1 (mirroring).In addition, three hot-swap SCSI hard disk drives are accessible from the front of the chassis whichcan be swapped in or out of the system without powering it down if the optional hot-swap SCSIhard disk drive cage is installed in your system.IMPORTANT: The installed disk array controller in the server is usedonly for configuring the RAID drive with the internal hard disk drives.The disk array controller does not connect with the optional externalSCSI drive enclosure. RAID0 (striping)RAID0 provides block "striping" across multiple drives, yielding higher performance thanis possible with individual drives. This level does not provide any redundancy.IMPORTANT: If either of the two hard disks configuring the array is defected, thedata cannot be recovered. The logical capacity of the array is an integer multiple of thecapacity of a connected hard disk. RAID1 (mirroring)The hard disk drives are paired and mirrored. All data is 100 percent duplicated on a driveof equivalent size.IMPORTANT: Because data is read to or written from two hard disks concurrently,the disk access performance is lower than that of the configurationusing only a single disk. The logical capacity of the array is the same as the capacity of asingle hard disk connected.