© Copyright Lenovo 2016 Chapter 2: Initial Setup 75Setup Part 4: IP ConfigurationThe system prompts for IPv4 parameters.Although the switch supports both IPv4 and IPv6 networks, the Setup utilitypermits only IPv4 configuration. For IPv6 configuration, see Chapter 29, “InternetProtocol Version 6.”IP InterfacesIP interfaces are used for defining the networks to which the switch belongs.Up to 126 IP interfaces can be configured on the RackSwitch G8264 (G8264). The IPaddress assigned to each IP interface provides the switch with an IP presence onyour network. No two IP interfaces can be on the same IP network. The interfacescan be used for connecting to the switch for remote configuration, and for routingbetween subnets and VLANs (if used).Note: IP interface 128 is reserved for out‐of‐band switch management.1. Select the IP interface to configure, or skip interface configuration at the prompt:If you wish to configure individual IP interfaces, enter the number of the IPinterface you wish to configure. To skip IP interface configuration, press without typing an interface number and go to “Default Gateways” on page 77.2. For the specified IP interface, enter the IP address in IPv4 dotted decimal notation:To keep the current setting, press .3. At the prompt, enter the IPv4 subnet mask in dotted decimal notation:To keep the current setting, press .If configuring VLANs, specify a VLANfor the interface.The following prompt appears if you selected to configure VLANs back in Part 1:Enter the number for the VLAN to which the interface belongs, or press without specifying a VLAN number to accept the current setting.IP Config:IP interfaces:Enter interface number: (1 126)Current IP address: new IP address:Current subnet mask: new subnet mask:Current VLAN: 1Enter new VLAN [1 4094]: