© Copyright Lenovo 2016 Chapter 43: NETCONF 6674. Follow these steps to install BNClient:As a python script:a. Enter the following command for help:b. Enter the following command to establish a NETCONF session: Using SSH to connect to default port 830: Using SSH to connect to port 22:As a python library:a. Open the fileC:\blade netconf python client v0.1\blade netconfpython client\example\get.py in a Python editor (For example, IDLE).b. Change the IP address in the hostname field to the switch IP address, and savethe file.c. Enter the following command to establish a session:d. Enter the following command to get the running configuration:Note: The file get.py is an example of a NETCONF operation python script. Youcan edit the script or write a new script as per your requirements.python C:\blade netconf python client v0.1\blade netconf pythonclient\bnclient\bnclient.py –hpython C:\blade netconf python client v0.1\blade netconf pythonclient\bnclient\bnclient.py {switch IP address} –u admin –p admin –ogetpython C:\blade netconf python client v0.1\blade netconf pythonclient\bnclient\bnclient.py {switch IP address}:22 –u admin –p admin –ogetpython C:\blade netconf python client v0.1\blade netconf pythonclient\setup.py installpython C:\blade netconf python client v0.1\blade netconf pythonclient\example\get.py