© Copyright Lenovo 2016 Chapter 18: Stacking 311Upgrading Software in an Existing StackUpgrade all stacked switches at the same time. The Master controls the upgradeprocess. Use the following procedure to perform a software upgrade for a stackedsystem.1. Load new software on the Master (see “Loading New Software to Your Switch” onpage 82).The Master pushes the new software image to all Members in the stack, as follows: If the new software is loaded into image 1, the Master pushes the software intoimage 1 on all Members. If loaded into image 2, the Master pushes the software into image 2 on allMembers.The software push can take several minutes to complete.2. Verify that the software push is complete. Use either the BBI or the ISCLI: From the BBI, go to Dashboard > Stacking > Push Status and view the ImagePush Status Information, or From the ISCLI, use following command to verify the software push:3. Reboot all switches in the stack. Use either the ISCLI or the BBI. From the BBI, select Configure > System > Config/Image Control. Click RebootStack. From the ISCLI, use the following command:RS G8264(config)# show stack push statusImage 1 transfer status info:Switch 00:16:60:f9:33:00:last receive successfulSwitch 00:17:ef:c3:fb:00:not received file not sent or transfer in progressImage 2 transfer status info:Switch 00:16:60:f9:33:00:last receive successfulSwitch 00:17:ef:c3:fb:00:last receive successfulBoot image transfer status info:Switch 00:16:60:f9:33:00:last receive successfulSwitch 00:17:ef:c3:fb:00:last receive successfulConfig file transfer status info:Switch 00:16:60:f9:33:00:last receive successfulSwitch 00:17:ef:c3:fb:00:last receive successfulRS G8264(config)# reload