245.1.4 Diagram of Trial Operation5.1.1 Diagram of trial operationPress MODEF000Enter the list of driverinstructionsPress ENTERd0.02Choose speed instructionsSet target speed (Unit: RPM)(Refer to the example of setting the speed)Press MODEF006Enter the trial operation—Press ▼ to change d6.40 to d6.31 (press ▼ againto change to d6.15); press ▲ to change to d6.25Activate trial operationNumeric display is ―abc.d‖Long press ▲ or ▼ The motor works at the set target speed. Long pressing ▲indicates that the motor works in the counterclockwise (positive)direction; and long pressing ▼ indicates that the motor works inthe clockwise (negative) direction.d4.18 Check motor typesPress MODEF004Press ENTEREnter the list of motor parametersBoth positive and negativespeed can be setPress ENTERTest on keys