54Display Valued3.09 Dio_Simulate Simulates input signals, and the output signal isoutputted compulsorily0 N/ADio_Simulate (IO simulation) is to simulate the output of a valid signal. The number ―1‖ indicates that theoutput signal is valid, and ―0‖ indicates that the output signal is invalid.6.2.3 Status Display of Digital Output SignalsTable 6-16 Variables for status display of digital output signalsNumeric Display Variable Name Meaningd1.12 Dout_Status Status of an output portDin_Status (hexadecimal) displays the status of actual external output signals in real time.6.2.4 Addresses and Functions of Digital Output SignalsTable 6-17 Addresses and default functions of digital output signalsNumericDisplayVariable Name Meaning Default Valued3.11 Dout1_Function 000.1: Ready000.2: Error000.4: Position reached000.8: Zero velocity001.0: Motor brake002.0:Velocity reached004.0: Index008.0: The maximum speedobtained in the torque mode010.0: PWM ON020.0: Position limiting040.0: Reference found080.0: Reserved100.0: Multi Dout 0200.0: Multi Dout 1400.0: Multi Dout 2000.1 (Ready)d3.12 Dout2_Function 000.2 (Error)d3.13 Dout3_Function 00a.4 (Position reached/Velocityreached/Max. velocity limit)d3.14 Dout4_Function 000.8 (Zero velocity)d3.15 Dout5_Function 001.0 (Motor brake)DinX_Function (X ranges from 1 to 5) is used to define the functions of digital output ports. User canfreely define the functions of digital output ports according to actual applications.Table 6-18 Meanings of the functions defined by digital output signalsFunction MeaningDisable Cancel the function of this digital outputReady The driver is ready for operation.Error Alarm signals are output, indicating that the driver is faulty.Position reached In the ―-4‖ mode of pulse control, the target position data keeps