MRP-2002 Series Instruction Manual — P/N 53049:E5 7/28/2016 61Master Programming Level ProgrammingTo disable the Auto Silence feature, press 1 for No while viewing Auto Silence Screen #1. Toenable the Auto Silence feature, press the number corresponding to the time delay which willelapse before Auto Silence activates. This information will be stored in memory and the displaywill return to NAC Screen #1.Silence InhibitedThe Silence Inhibit feature, when enabled, prevents the silencing of the selected main circuit boardOutput for a period of one minute. Resetting the FACP will also be prevented for one minute whilethe Output programmed for silence inhibit is activated. Pressing 3 while viewing Output Screen #2will cause a screen to be displayed with the options 1=No Silence Inhibit and 2=1 Min. SilenceInhibit. Pressing 1 will disable the Silence Inhibit feature while pressing 2 will enable a 1 minuteSilence Inhibit for the selected Output.CodingThe Coding feature allows the programmer to select the type of output that the main circuit boardoutputs will generate when activated. Pressing 1 while viewing Output Screen #3 will cause thefollowing displays to appear:The programmer can select the notification appliance output coding by pressing the numbercorresponding to the desired output. The coding selections are:• Steady - a continuous output with no coding• March Time - 120 ppm (pulse-per-minute) output• California - 10 seconds on and 5 seconds off• Temporal - ½ second on, ½ second off, ½ second on, ½ second off, ½ second on, 1½ second off• Cross-Zone for Release Circuit 1 or Release Circuit 2: 1st zone of a cross-zoned group in alarm causes programmed NAC output to pulse 1 secondon and 1 second off 2nd zone of a cross-zoned group in alarm causes programmed NAC output to pulse ½second on and ½ second off - Note: if more than two zones are cross-zoned, the programmedNAC output will continue to pulse ½ second on and ½ second off for each subsequent zonein alarm, until the final zone in the cross-zoned group goes into alarm All zones of a cross-zoned group in alarm causes the output programmed as a ReleasingCircuit to perform a release and the programmed NAC output for that Releasing Circuit toturn on steady• Cross-Zone Pre-Discharge for Release Circuit 1 or Release Circuit 2: 1st zone of cross-zoned group in alarm causes programmed NAC output to turn on steadyNOTE: If the Output Circuit has been programmed as a Releasing Circuit, the Auto SilenceOption will not be available and the display will indicate N/A next to it.OUTPUT #1=SILENCEABLE YES2=AUTO SILENCE NO3=SIL INHIBITED NOOutput Screen #2OUTPUT #1=CODINGOutput Screen #3CODING1=STEADY2=MARCH TIME3=CALIFORNIACoding Screen #1CODING1=TEMPORAL2=FUTURE USE3=FUTURE USECoding Screen #2CODING1=CROSS ZONE2=CROSS ZONE PRE-DIS3=CROSS ZONE DISCHRGCoding Screen #3CODING1=SYNC SYSTEM SENSOR2=SYNC WHEELOCK3=SYNC GENTEXCoding Screen #4CODING1=SYNC FARADAY2=SYNC AMSECOCoding Screen #5