GX-Series Control Panel Installation and Setup Guide6-4001 = Bell TimeThe duration of the Bells output activation is programmable within the range 0–30 minutes; the default is15. Assigning a value of 00 minutes sets the Bell Time to infinity.This parameter can be assigned a different value for each group.The Entry/Exit Horn is subject to the Bell Time parameter in both the set (armed) and unset (disarmed)conditions.02 = Bell Delay {Not for UL installations}The delayed activation of the bell is programmable within the range 0–20 minutes; the default is 0. The BellDelay is overridden by a communications failure (either a Comms Fail on the Communication Module orby the activation of a Line Fail zone used to monitor an external dialer or communicator); an alarmcondition in either of these conditions results in instant bells activation.This parameter can be assigned a different value for each group.03 = Abort TimeThe abort function delays the activation of a full intruder alarm condition following an entry alarm. Thisparameter has 2 sub-options:1 = Abort TimeThe abort time is programmable within the range 0-300 seconds and can be assigned a different valuefor each group. The abort time will be initiated:• whenever a zone that is not on the entry route (Final, Entry and Exit zones) is activated — a userstrays from the entry route;• a valid code is not entered before the entry time expires.The abort operation can be modified by adding a * or # to the programmed time. The standard abortoperation is as follows:• For entry route deviation, the signaling of an intruder alarm is delayed.• If a valid code is entered before the entry time expires:(1) The intruder is not signaled.(2) The system does not require a system reset.• If a valid code is not entered before the entry time expires or an entry timeout condition occurs:(1) The intruder is signaled at the end of the entry time.(2) The Abort timer starts on expiration of the entry time.• If a valid code is entered within the programmed abort time:(1) If an abort output/channel is allocated to the alarmed group:a) The Abort signal is sent.b) The intruder condition is not restored.c) Intruder restore is not signaled.(2) If there is no abort output allocated to the alarmed group:a) The intruder condition is restored.b) Intruder restore is signaled.• If the programmed abort time is allowed to expire without a valid code being entered, then thesystem requires a system reset. The panel cannot be set (armed) until this occurs.NOTE: If reduced resets (51.55.3) is enabled, the alarm will be reset by the user code, if the alarm isunconfirmed.Modified Abort OperationPound # abort alters the standard operation so that the signaling of the intruder condition is delayed untilthe end of the abort time. If the system is unset (disarmed) during the entry time or abort time, no alarmconditions will be signaled.Star * abort alters the standard operation so that if a user strays from the entry route within the entrytime, the intruder is signaled as soon as the entry deviation occurs.