95Setting the ParametersuEFFECTS OF THE EXTRA VOICE SECTIONOVERDRIVE⓬ OVERDRIVE - SWITCHTurns the Overdrive effect of Extra Voice section “ON/OFF”.NOTE: While this parameter is “ON”, the stereo sound of “Stereo Grand” etc. becomes monaural.⓭ OVERDRIVE - DRIVEControls the distortion amount. The distortion becomes greater as the value is increased.There is no knob linked with this effect, different from the organ section, so the settingis possible only in this mode.⓮ OVERDRIVE - EXPRESSION⓯ OVERDRIVE - PREAMPThe functions of these parameters are the same as those of the organ section.MULTI-EFFECTS⓰ EFFECT TYPEand the other effect parametersThe functions of these parameters are the same as those of the organ section.❹ ❺ ❻ ❼ ❽❺ DELAY - TYPESelect the type of delay here.MONO:A simply delayed sound.RtoL, LtoR:The delay is alternated in the stereo field. At RtoL the delayed sound comes from the right, andat LtoR from the left. Your results may vary when used in a mono idiom, or through a LeslieSpeaker.❻ DELAY - TIMEAdjusts the delay time. It is linked with the [EFFECT AMOUNT] on the top panel.The setting range is 10 to 1000 ms.❼ DELAY - FEED-BACKSets the repetition amount of the effect sound.The setting range is 0 to 127. The repetition becomes greater as the value is increased.❽ DELAY - MIXAdjusts the volume balance between the “dry” and the effect sound.The setting range is 0 to 127. At 0, only the “dry” is heard. The effect level becomesgreater as the value is increased. At 64 the ratio between the “dry” and the effect soundsbecomes 1:1. At 127 only the effect sound is heard.TimeLevelTimeLevelL RL RL RTYPE = PANTYPE = MONOMixOriginal SignalEffect SignalFeedbackDelay TimeDelayThis is for adding echo effects.NOTE: All the parameters in these modesare Patch Parameters. They are re-corded into the Patch.