HA Sk1 / Sk2 Owner’s Manual80uDAMPER⓮ DAMPER - UPPER (G)⓯ DAMPER - LOWER (G)⓰ DAMPER - PEDAL (G)⓱ DAMPER - EXTRA VOICES (G)Assigns the DAMPER to the various divisions of the Instrument.(14) (15) and (16) are for setting each part of the Organ section, and (17) is for theExtra Voices.uASSIGN⓲ OCTAVE BUTTON - DOWN (G)⓳ OCTAVE BUTTON - UP (G)⓴ OCTAVE BUTTON - LOWER (G)Used to assign extra functions other than the original ones to the [OCTAVE] but-tons.ORIGIN:Works according to the buttons’ original function.LES STOP, LES FAST:Similar to the [LESLIE STOP], [LESLIE FAST] buttons.VIB UPPER, VIB LOWER:Similar to the [VIBRATO UPPER], [VIBRATO LOWER] buttons.GLIDE:This is for activating the Glide function.SPRING:This is for producing the shock noise of the Spring Reverb.DELAY TIME:Sets the Delay (Effect) Time by tapping the button at the speed you wish the delay to beset. If you keep pressing the button, the Delay sound disappears.DAMPEROr “Sustain” pedal-analogous to the RIGHT pedalon a piano. Sounds are held when this pedal isdepressed. Called “Damper” due to the fact thatwhen the pedal was depressed on a piano, themechanism that muted or “damped” the stringswas raised, allowing the piano strings to ring free.CONTROL - continued❶ ❷ ❸❹ ❺ ❻ ❼ ❽ ❾ ❿⓬ ⓭⓮ ⓯ ⓰ ⓱⓲ ⓳ ⓴㉑ ㉒ ㉓⓫