HA Sk1 / Sk2 Owner’s Manual58 EXTRA VOICE SECTIONThe EXTRA VOICE section contains the sounds other than Or-gan which comprise the SK series. As a single system, you selectwhich voice to allocate to what part.The Organ and Extra Voice sections can be played simultaneously.BUILT IN SOUNDS AND LIBRARYThere are 6 groups of resident sounds, corresponding to the Voice Group. These coresounds may not be overwritten. You may expand this core with sounds availableonline from “LIBRARY”, which Hammond-Suzuki will make available in the future.To select instruments, see “SELECT INSTRUMENTS” on (P. 31), and the “IN-STRUMENT LIST” (P. 130) for the built in sounds.ALLOCATE AND SOLOTo play the Extra Voices, you must allocate them to either the UPPER or LOWERparts. The Extra Voices can play alongside the Organ and can also be soloed, mutingthe organ section.[ALLOCATE UPPER], [ALLOCATE LOWER] buttonsSelects either the UPPER/LOWER part to allocate Extra Voices. To play the ExtraVoices, press either button and (LED ON).To CANCEL the Extra Voice allocation, press the desired button again (LED OFF).[SOLO] buttonMutes the Organ section to play only the Extra Voices.The solo functions toggled ON and OFF by pressing [SOLO] button.PRO-CHORD FUNCTIONIn the Extra Voice instruments, some are set withthe “Prochord” function. These are for easily play-ing on the keyboard the harmony heard from thebrass section etc.The instrument with a Prochord has “Pcd” as a suf-fix added to its name.If you allocate this instrument to the Upper part,play a chord on the Lower keyboard and play asingle note on the Upper keyboard, you can get amelody with harmony.EXTRA VOICEThe Extra Voice section on your SK1/2 is not relatedto, and does not replicate the sounds of F-100 “Ex-travoice” (1960’s).CHORD MELODYCHORDMELODYON SK1:ON SK2: