HA Sk1 / Sk2 Owner’s Manual84 LESLIEIn this mode, the settings are made for the built-in Leslie Effect andthe External Leslie Speaker.There are many parameters related to the Leslie functions, to makethis easier to edit and use.uCABINET NUMBER❶ CABINET NUMBER (P)Selects the Cabinet Number to use in the Patch.The setting range is P1 to P8 (not-overwritable) and U1 to U8 (overwritable). If theLeslie parameter is changed, “*” is displayed on the left side.uLESLIE PARAMETERS❷ CABINET NAME (L)Sets the Cabinet Name by up to 10 characters.Move the cursor with the [][] button and select letters with the [VALUE] knob.Allowable values are: symbols, digits and the large and small Alphabet.The name and following (L) parameters are not recorded until the Cabinet Macro isrecorded into memory (See the next paragraph.)❸ AMP (L)This is for setting the type of the virtual Power Amplifier.Solid: Flat characteristic AmpTube: Tube-style amp with Mild characteristics.❹ SPEAKER (L)This is for setting the virtual Speaker.RotSmall: A small Leslie speaker, such as the Leslie 145RotLarge: A large Leslie speaker, such as the Leslie 122Station: A fixed speaker, such as the Hammond PR-40CONCEPT OF THE CABINET NUMBEROne Cabinet is equivalent to a virtual Leslie speak-er made with the Leslie parameter.This is a Patch parameter.#1#2#3or, keep pressing either of the [BYPASS], [STOP], [FAST] buttons for a few seconds.See “Function mode” (P. 68) for operation details.MENU/EXIT ENTERThe built-in Leslie parameters are grouped in macro-settings called“CABINETS”. You select the CABINET NUMBER in the Com-bination Presets where this selection is saved as part of the Preset.To locate this mode:❶❷❸ ❹❺ ❻ ❼ ❽ ❾ ❿ ⓫⓬ ⓭ ⓮ ⓯ ⓰ ⓱⓲ ⓳⓴