33Getting Ready To PlayWHAT IS A “PART”?Each “PART” is equivalent to a player in a band or an orchestra. The 3 Parts here areexpressed in Organ terms: UPPER. LOWER, and PEDAL. These parts can be indi-vidually played with different sounds.The SK1 has a single keyboard, the SK2 has 2 keyboards. Plural parts are available si-multaneously, by splitting the keyboards or expanding them using a MIDI keyboard.KEYBOARD SPLIT The SK1 has only 1 manual, but it can be split and treated as if itwere a 2 manual instrument.[SPLIT] buttonTo use the Split function, press the [SPLIT] button and the lightwill go ON. The default setting split is at the middle B/C.NOTE: You can change the split point (dividing note) and octave. (P. 108)NOTE: The Split function is disabled when a second MIDI Keyboard isadded. (P. 110)Right of the split point is referred to as: UPPER and the left sideLOWER. Percussion does not function on the LOWER part.There is no SPLIT function available on the SK2.MANUAL BASSYou can play the Pedal voices using the lowest notes of the key-board (the LOWER keyboard if on the SK2).[M. BASS] buttonTo use the Manual Bass function, press the [M. BASS] button andthe light will go ON. The Pedal/Bass sound is heard in conjunc-tion with the lowest note being played, on the manual keyboardtill that time.In order to interface with the melody performance, the defaultManual Bass upper limit point is set to sound up to, and includingmiddle “B”.NOTE: The Manual Bass can be set to play in Lowest, Polyphonic, andChord (P. 108 #1). You can change the playing range of the ManualBass (the upper limit) (P. 108 #2).NOTE: When the SK1 is expanded to 2 manual, the Manual Bass functionworks on the LOWER keyboard. (P. 110)The part obtained when the Manual Bass is selected is called PED-AL part and its sound is controlled by the Drawbars ([PEDAL]when selected in Drawbar Select). This is originated from the styleof playing bass on the pedal keyboard of a 3 keyboard type organ.You can use both the manual bass and the split at the same time.This makes it possible to play the bass + chord + melody only byyourself.NOTE: You can triggering the Manual Bass by foot switch (P. 78).UpperLower Split PointManual Bass