23Getting Ready To PlayUPPER PEDAL LOWERNUMBER NAMEPATCH ENTERVALUEMENU/EXITPLAYon OpenDiap8'Gedeckt8'VoixClstIIMixtureIIIOctave4' Flute Dolce4' Hautbois8'Flute2'PLAY WITH THE PATCHESThere are 100 patches loaded in memory from the factory, allowing you to immediatelystart playing. You can also create 100 patches of your own.HOW TO CALL A PATCHExample: Select U041.1. GO TO THE PLAY MODESelect the PLAY button, to enter PLAY mode.2. SELECT THE PATCH NUMBERSelect the patch number U041 with the [VALUE] knob. Readthe [PRESET PATCH LIST] (P. 147) in the Appendix for thepreset patch details.Call various patches to play. When you call patches, not onlythe Drawbar registrations but the effects such as Leslie, reverb ,and Extra Voices also change.NOTE: You can set the types of parameters to call (P. 76 #2 to 10).NOTE: You can set the FAVORITE buttons to select a Patch with directkey-in (P. 76 #11)USER and PRESET There are two domains: “USER” and “PRESET” in this key-board’s Patch memory. You can freely overwrite in the “USER”domain, but you can not do so in the “PRESET” domain as itcontains the factory settings.“USER” and “PRESET” are indicated by “U” and “P” respec-tively.Patches“FAVORITE”buttons1MANUAL2 3“VALUE”knobin PLAY modeU001 FirstManualU002 SecondU003 ThirdU004 FourthU005 FifthP098 Mezzo ForteP099 ForteP100 Fotissimoreferreferreferexclusivesequentialselect“P” are not rewritable1 2(2) - optional