HA Sk1 / Sk2 Owner’s Manual110 MIDIIn this mode, you make the basic MIDI settings and the memorydump operation.uMIDI TEMPLATE❶ MIDI TEMPLATEThis mode allows common MIDI setups to be recalled.By selecting the use with the [][] buttons and pressing the[ENTER] button, the typical settings are called.The SK1 and the SK2 have different functions, so the MIDItemplates are also different. See “MIDI TEMPLATE” in theAppendix (P. 132) for details of each MIDI template.uMASTER❷ MIDI INThis is for switching the MIDI jack function.LOWERThe received MIDI data sounds the LOWER part and are re-sentto the LOWER channel (#13) of the MIDI OUT jack, regardless ofthe settings of the MIDI channel.PEDALThe received MIDI data sounds the PEDAL part and are re-sent tothe PEDAL channel (#14), regardless of the setting of the settingsof the MIDI channel.LOW + PEDThe received MIDI data sounds the LOWER and the PEDAL partsin accordance with the MIDI channel settings and are re-sent tothe LOWER (#13) and the PEDAL (#14) parts.SEQUENCEThe received MIDI data sounds the UPPER, LOWER and PEDALparts in accordance with the MIDI channel settings. They are notre-sent.EXVOICEThe received MIDI data sounds the Extra Voice section regardlessof the MIDI channel settings. They are not re-sent.❸ LOCALThis switches the Local Control ON/OFF.When switched ON, the keyboard(s) and the internal soundengine are connected. When OFF, the keyboard(s) and thesound engine are disconnected no sound is played.You can use this keyboard as two different equipment; theMIDI keyboard and the sound module at the same time.❹ NRPNThis switches the NRPN (Non-Registered Parameter Number)ON/OFF.On this keyboard it is used for transmitting the messages suchas the Drawbar Fold Back or the Leslie ON. The NRPN istransmitted through the UPPER channel.When switched ON, it is transmitted. When OFF, not trans-mitted.❺ LESLIEThis is for controlling how to send Leslie Parameters. The LeslieParameters sent on UPPER Channel.SK:The Leslie Parameters will be sent out on this keyboard originalNRPN address and data.21:The Leslie Parameters will be sent out for Leslie 21 series NRPNaddress and data.When the Cabinet Number is selected (i.e. by Patch), the param-eters are sent out also.NOTE: This parameter will changed automatically when the Lesliespeaker is connected / disconnected.❻ PROGRAM CHANGEThis switches the transmission of the program change ON/OFF. When ON, transmitted. When OFF, not transmitted.❼ DRAWBAR REGISTRATIONThis switches the transmission of the Drawbar registration ON/OFF. When ON, transmitted. When OFF, not transmitted.❽ EXTERNAL ZONEThis switches the transmission of the external zones as a wholeON/OFF. When ON, transmitted. When OFF, not transmit-ted.❾ DEVICE IDThis sets the Device ID when transmitting the system exclusivemessages such as the Memory Dump (#11, 12). For example,To locate this mode:See “Function mode” (P. 68) for operation details.MENU/EXITENTER❶❷❶SK1’sSK2’s❸ ❹ ❺ ❻ ❼ ❽ ❾ ❿⓭ ⓮ ⓯ ⓰ ⓱ ⓲