79Setting the Parameters❸ FOOT SWITCH - RING MODE (G)This sets the Ring side function, when the foot switch connected to the foot switch jackis of the TRS specifications.uEXPRESSION❹ EXPRESSION - SOURCE (G)Sets the source of expression control.PED (NORM):For the (Optional) Hammond-Suzuki EXP-50 pedal etc.PED (REV):For using a Korg XVP-10 type of Expression Pedal etc.MIDI: For using expression information received at the UPPER keyboard channel.❺ EXPRESSION - MONITORDisplays the current value of expression. In case of no sound or no change when theexpression pedal is pressed, this monitor shows whether the expression value changes ornot, so you may discover the cause of trouble (if any). This can also be an indicator whenplaying from low volume to fade in.❻ EXPRESSION - MINIMUM LEVEL (G)Sets the volume at minimum expression.The setting range is OFF, -40dB to 0dB. At OFF the instrument is silent when Pedal isat Minimum (all the way back). The other value points represent the lowest volume thatwill be present at the Pedal’s minimum position.❼ EXPRESSION - LIMIT LOW FREQUENCY (G)❽ EXPRESSION - LIMIT HIGH FREQUENCY (G)Sets the amount of Low or High Frequency to remain, when the expression is set atminimum.The setting range is OFF, -40dB to 0dB. At OFF the sound totally disappears, but atother value points the set volume is kept, even if the expression is at minimum.❾ EXPRESSION - GAIN (S)Sets the gain (range) of the connected expression pedal.Depending on the type of the connected expression pedals, the expression value may notchange. In such case, adjust this parameter to obtain the desired response.❿ EXPRESSION - CURVE (S)Adjusts change of expression value corresponding to the angle of the depressed expres-sion pedal.The setting range is 1 to 3. Refer each curve to the bottom right illustration or try playinglive to discern which curve is correct for you.NOTE: The parameters indicated (S) are system parameters. They are recorded when set, and arecommon in each Patch.uGLIDE⓫ GLIDE - RANGE (P)Sets the bend range of pitch by semi-tone. Setting range is -24 to +12.⓬ GLIDE - TIME (P)Sets the time from the start of glide to reach the pitch set at (11). The setting range is0.1 to 5.0 seconds.⓭ GLIDE - AMP (P)Engages a “fade” along with the Glide, where the volume drops in tandem with the pitchto total silence.EXPRESSION LIMITOne of the human ear’s characteristics is thatwhen the volume falls, the sound of the highor low frequencies becomes difficult to hear.Using expression limit, you can hear the re-vised frequency response.Vintage B-3 preamps age in different ways-onesymptom is the organ’s timbre may changewith Expression pedal travel. This is a desirablecharacteristic for some.FrequencyLoudnessLFLimit HFLimitMin. LevelExpression = Maximum120Hz 4kHzOutputFrequencyLoudnessLFLimit HFLimitMin. Level120Hz 4kHzExpression = MinimumOutputDegreeValue1270123NOTE: The parameter with (P) indicated isa patch parameter, and is recordedto each patch. (G) indicates “globalparameter”, which is recorded uponbeing set, and is common with eachpatch.3RD PARTY EXPRESSION PEDALWhen using a Korg XVP-10 type of pedal, con-nect the EXPRESSION jack of the XVP-10 to theEXP. PEDAL jack of the this keyboard with astereo (TRS) cable.