9IntroductionMAIN FEATURESuA LIBRARY OF ESSENTIAL KEYBOARD VOICESThe modern keyboard player requires a wide palette of voices, including organs, pianos(acoustic and electric), wind and various keyboards.uAUTHENTIC HAMMOND DRAWBAR ORGANThe SK1/SK2 is first and foremost a genuine HAMMOND organ with Virtual Tone-Wheels to provide its traditional sound. Also available are the tones of vintage “combo”organs, and a variety of pipe organ ranks to provide church and classical organ voices.uEXTRA VOICE SECTIONHigh Quality Acoustic and Electric Pianos are included, in multiple varieties of popularvoices. Wind voices are also included. New voices will be able to be downloaded via theUSB port.The Organ and Extra Voice can be used together, and their outputs can be individuallyaccessed, using the 8-pin Leslie speaker jack for the organ voice.uDIGITAL LESLIE/VIBRATOA digital and programmable LESLIE is available for the Drawbar voices, as well as thetraditional “Chorus-Vibrato” as used on the legendary B-3. The Chorus-Vibrato may beselected for the Upper and Lower manuals, independently.uA WIDE VARIETY OF EFFECTSDigital Multi-effects are available for the Organ and Extra Voice sections independently. AMaster Equalizer allows you to tailor the total tonal response of the keyboard.uMP3 MUSIC PLAYERThis keyboard is equipped to play MP3 type audio files. This makes it very convenient foraccompanying solo performances or practicing.uMIDI MASTER KEYBOARDExternal Zones are available to enable the SK1/SK2 to be used as a master keyboard.uPATCHS AND FAVORITESIn addition to the 100 available user-defined patches, 10 “Favorite” quick-call patches areavailable for on-stage ease.uBUILT-IN USB PORTThe versatile USB Flash Drive is adopted for easy access to a PC or for saving the audiofile set up of the music player also for storing the voice library.uSMALL AND LIGHT WEIGHTBoth the SK1 and SK2 are small and light weight, making transport and setup easy.