Winds Aloft FunctionThe GPS 92’s winds aloft function will calculate thewind direction, speed and head/tail wind conditions forthe aircraft once you have entered your true air speed andcurrent heading.To calculate winds aloft:1. Select ‘Winds Aloft’ on the E6-B menu and press E.2. Highlight the true airspeed (‘TAS’) field and press E.3. Enter the TAS (if you’ve already calculated TAS usingthe density altitude function it will be offered here) andpress E.4. Press E to begin entry of your current heading(Hdg).5. Enter your heading and press E. The wind direction,speed and the head/tail wind conditions will be dis-played at the bottom of the page.Trip and Fuel Planning FunctionThe GPS 92’s trip and fuel planning function will cal-culate the desired track, distance, estimated time enrouteand fuel requirements between any two waypoints or anyprogrammed route. The first field (top left of the planningpage) allows you to select between waypoint or routeplanning.To perform a waypoint-to-waypoint trip and fuel plan:1. Select ‘Trip & Fuel’ on the E6-B menu and press E.2. Highlight the Waypoint/Rte field and press E.3. Select the ‘Waypoint’ option and press E. The fieldhighlight will move to the ‘From’ field. Press E.4. Enter the starting waypoint for the trip (or leave the fieldblank to start from your present position) and pressE. The field highlight will advance to the ‘To’ field.5. Press E. Enter the destination waypoint and pressE. The field highlight will advance to ‘Speed’.6. Press E. Enter trip speed and press E. The fieldhighlight will advance to the ‘Flow’ field.7. Press E. Enter the fuel flow for the trip and pressE. The desired track (DTK), distance (DIS), fuelrequirement (REQ), and estimated time enroute (ETE) ofthe trip will be displayed at the bottom of the page.Navigational informationand fuel usage may be cal-culated for a trip betweenany two waypoints.Winds aloft may becalculated by entering yourtrue air speed and currentheading.Main Menu:E6-BReference62