To choose a waypoint category:1. Press M to display the waypoint page.2. Highlight the category field.3. Press E to begin selection of the waypoint category.4. Use the arrow keys and select the desired category.5. Press E to confirm the category selection.Entering IdentifiersAfter a waypoint category is selected, information fora waypoint can be viewed by entering the identifier orname of the desired waypoint. Airports, VORs, andNDBs may be entered by either the identifier, facilityname, or the location (city). Intersections and userwaypoints must be entered by the identifier.To enter a waypoint identifier:1. Highlight the identifier field and press E.2. Enter the desired identifier using the arrow keypad, andpress E.NOTE: As the identifier is entered, the GPS 92 willscroll through the available database, displaying any way-points with the same identifier letters you have entered tothat point. Once the desired waypoint is displayed, pressE.After you’ve selected a waypoint category, waypointinformation can also be retrieved by entering the facilityname of the airport, the name of the VOR or NDB, ortheir city location (intersections and user waypointscannot be retrieved by facility or city name).To select a waypoint by facility or city name:1. Select the desired waypoint category (APT, VOR or NDB)as described at the top of this page.2. Highlight the facility name or city name field. Press E.3. Enter the name of the facility or city and press E.Once a waypoint category and identifier have beenselected, the GPS 92 will provide extensive informationthrough various waypoint review pages.Entering a waypoint byfacility name.Entering a waypointidentifier.EnteringWaypointIdentifiersReference20#?