2. Press E and enter the waypoint name using thearrow keypad.3. Press E to accept.Once the name has been accepted, the field highlightwill move to the position field, where you can manuallyenter the position of the new waypoint:4. Press E and enter the latitude/longitude using thearrow keypad.After the latitude and longitude entry is complete,press E to save the new waypoint. If you are definingthe new waypoint position by referencing (entering a dis-tance and bearing from) a known waypoint or your pre-sent position, skip step 4 above and follow these steps:4. Highlight the ‘REF’ field and press E.5. If you are referencing a waypoint, enter the identifier ofthe reference waypoint. (If you want to reference yourpresent position, leave the ‘REF’ field blank.)6. Press E. The field highlight will advance to the bear-ing (BRG) field.7. Press E and enter the bearing to the new waypointfrom the reference position.8. Press E to confirm the bearing. The field highlightwill move to the distance (DST) field.9. Press E and enter the distance to the new waypointfrom the reference position.10. Press E to confirm the distance. The GPS 92 willcalculate the coordinates of the waypoint and store it inmemory.User CommentsOnce a new user waypoint is saved, the unit willassign a default user comment (the date and time ofcreation) to the new waypoint. You can replace thedefault comment with your own 16-character commentat any time, right from the user waypoint page.To enter a user comment:1. Highlight the comment field and press E.2. To clear the default comment, press the left arrow keywhen the cursor is in the left most character position.3. Enter the comment and press E.Entering a new user way-point’s name.Entering a new user way-point’s position.26Creating UserWaypointsReference