Receiver StatusReceiver status is displayed at the top left of thescreen, with the current horizontal accuracy (estimatedposition error, in feet or meters) at the top right. The sta-tus field will show one of the following conditions:Searching— the receiver is looking for any availablesatellites in view.AutoLocate— the receiver is initializing and collect-ing new almanac data. This may take 3 to 5 minutes.Acquiring— the receiver is collecting data from avail-able satellites but has not collected enough data to cal-culate a 2D fix.2D Navigation— at least three satellites with goodgeometry have been locked onto, and a 2-dimension-al position fix (latitude and longitude) is being calcu-lated. ‘2D Diff’ will appear when you are receivingDGPS corrections in 2D mode.3D Navigation— at least four satellites with goodgeometry have been locked onto and your position isnow being calculated in latitude, longitude and alti-tude. ‘3D Diff’ will appear when you are receivingDGPS corrections in 3D mode.Poor GPS Coverage— the receiver is no longertracking enough satellites for a 2D or 3D fix.Not Usable— the receiver is unusable, possibly dueto incorrect initialization or abnormal satellite condi-tions. Turn the unit off and back on to reset.Simulating Navigation— the receiver is in simula-tor mode.EZinit PromptThe satellite status page also displays the EZinitprompt whenever a position fix has not been calculated(the unit must be in searching, AutoLocate, acquiring, orpoor coverage mode).This prompt allows you to manually reinitialize thereceiver. This feature is useful if you have traveled over500 miles with the receiver off and you know it must beinitialized to your new position (the unit will also auto-matically offer the EZinit prompt after 3-5 minutes ofunsuccessful satellite acquisition).A poor coverage status willappear if the receiver haslost the number of satellitesrequired to compute a fix.The EZinit prompt willautomatically appear if thereceiver needs to be initial-ized. The prompt may alsoappear during normal use ifthe antenna is shaded or theunit is used indoors.Satellite StatusPageReference39